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Other Pages (67)
- Privacy Policy | Melsiefera Studio
Protecting your data is our priority. See our online store's privacy policy to understand how we safeguard your information. Your privacy matters! As soon as you visit our website melsieferastudio.com or contact us, we receive information about you. In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with that information. We always handle your information with care and store it securely. If you have any questions or want to know what information we have on you, please contact us. We may amend this privacy statement if necessary. We recommend that you regularly review this privacy statement so that you are aware of these changes. This privacy statement was last modified on 01 November 2023. Contents When do you apply this privacy statement? Who uses your data? Whose data do we use? How do we get your data? What data of you do we use? What do we use your data for? How long do we store your data? Who do we share your data with? Where do we store your data? How safe is your data with us? What are your rights? Which rules apply to this privacy statement? Which cookies do we use? What do we do with data of minors? Do you have a question about this privacy policy? 1. When do you apply this privacy statement? This privacy statement applies to all personal data that we process and to all domains related to us. This concerns the personal data of everyone who has ever had contact with us or visited our website, such as visitors, customers and business contacts. Personal data is all data that can be traced back to you as an individual, such as your name, telephone number, IP address, customer number or surfing behavior. If you want to know more about personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority. 2. Who uses your data? Melsiefera Studio is responsible for the website melsieferastudio.com and therefore the responsible organisation for the use of your personal data as described in this privacy statement. The full details are: Melsiefera Studio Lokerenstraat 69 1066 SP Amsterdam The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce: 90128028 VAT number: NL004789771B98 3. Whose data do we use? We process the personal data of everyone who has had contact with us or visited our website. These include visitors, private customers, business customers and contact persons of our partners. 4. How do we get your data? We receive the data directly from you as soon as you: visit our website create an account fill in data on our website contact us by mail, telephone or other means 5. What data of you do we use? We use the following data: name address or business address delivery address e-mail address telephone number payment details 6. What do we use your data for? We only use your personal data for the purpose for which we are allowed to use it: we have received your permission to use your personal data we use your data because we want to give you the best service as a customer and we can’t do this without that information we use your data to comply with the law, such as keeping data for the tax authorities 7. How long do we keep your data? We keep your personal data for as long as we are required to do so by law and for as long as necessary for the purpose for which we use your data. For example, as long as you are a customer with us, we store your data according to the statutory retention period of seven years. After that, we only keep your data for statistical purposes and to handle any complaints or legal matters. If you want to know more about how long we store specific data about you, please contact us. 8. Who do we share your data with? We may give your personal data to others. We only do this if: we have received your permission to use your personal data you are a customer of ours we have to comply with the law 9. Where do we store your data? We process your data within the European Economic Area. This means that we also store your data within the EEA. In some cases, your personal data will be processed outside the EEA. Unfortunately, the rules in those countries do not always offer the same protection of personal data as in the Netherlands. That is why we have ensured that your personal data in that case is just as well protected as it is here. We have done this by making agreements with those who handle your data outside the EEA. This way your data remains safe. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us. 10. How safe is your data with us? We have done a lot to protect your data as well as possible, both organisationally and technically. We have secured our systems and various means of communication to ensure that your data does not end up in the hands of others. Your data is therefore safe with us. We also ensure that your data is only used by people who have received permission from us. If you have any questions about the specific method of securing, please contact us. When we share your data with others, they are also obliged to treat it with the same care as we do. If you notice that this is not the case, please let us know. 11. What are your rights? Because we use your personal data, you have various rights. We have listed these rights for you below. Right to information We must explain to you in an understandable and clear manner what we do with your data and what control you have over it. That is why we explain in detail in this privacy statement what data we collect from you and how we handle your data. Right to access You may always ask us to view the data we hold about you. Right to correction You may ask us to have your data corrected if it is incorrect or incomplete. Right to object You may object to the processing of your data if you do not agree with the way we handle your personal data. This right applies to the data we use for direct marketing. You can indicate to us that you no longer wish to receive e-mails from us. This also applies to personalized recommendations on our website. Right to data portability If you are a customer of ours or if you have given permission for the use of your data, you may ask us to send you the digital data we have about you. This way you can transfer that data to another organisation if you wish. Right to restriction You may ask to limit the use of your data. This means that in certain cases we may only store your data but not use it. Right to be forgotten You may ask us to delete all data we have about you. We will then delete all data that can be traced back to you. In some cases we cannot or may not yet delete your data. For example, we have to keep some data for 7 years for the tax authorities. Right to submit a complaint You may submit a complaint about the way in which we handle your data. If you have a complaint, we will be happy to resolve it for you. To do so, please contact us. You may also submit your complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Of course, we hope that it does not come to that, but if it's necessary you can also go to court. In that case, the court in the place of business of Melsiefera Studio is the one which will handle your complaint. How do I submit a request or complaint? You can submit your request or complaint to us by sending a mail to info@melsieferastudio.com . We process every request or complaint within 30 days. If you submit multiple applications or complaints or if you submit a complex request or complaint, this may take more time. In that case, we will contact you within 60 days at the latest. We may ask you to identify yourself. In that case, we will ask you to submit certain information to ensure that you are the correct person whose personal data is. 12. What rules apply to this privacy statement? Our privacy statement must meet several conditions. These conditions can be found in the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation. In addition, the general rules that apply under Dutch law apply to our privacy statement. 13. Which cookies do we use? You can indicate yourself what data we may use from you. If you have given us permission to personalize your profile based on your surfing and search behaviour, we can set up our website specifically for you so that its use becomes easier and more personal. We do this using cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hardware when you visit our website. We use the following types of cookies on our website: functional cookies : like session and login cookies to collect session and login information anonymised analytic cookies : to obtain information regarding the visits to our website, like numbers of visitors, popular pages and topics non-anonymised analytic cookies : to obtain information regarding the visits to our website, like the number of visitors, popular pages and topics tracking cookies : like advertising cookies that are intended to show relevant advertisements More specifically, we use the following cookies on our website: anonymised Google Analytics (analytical cookie) Google Analytics (analytical cookie) Adobe (analytical cookie) Facebook (tracking cookie) Google AdWords (tracking cookie) 14. What do we do with data of minors? We do not target minors with our website or as an organisation. This means that if you are under the age of 18, you need permission from a parent or guardian to use our website. If you are a minor when you visit our website or online store, we assume that you have received this permission before your visit. 15. Do you have a question about this privacy policy? If you have a question about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us on info@melsieferastudio.com . We are happy to help. Drawn up on 01 november 2023. Privacy Policy
- Bol.com Play Book | Melsiefera Studio
I've worked on the play book edition 2020 and 2021. With this project, I focused mostly on layout/editorial design, collaborate and coordinate with others to ensure a coherent design, assisting with art direction by checking the pages and adhering to the brand guidelines, retouching of articles and photographs, and adding/tweaking illustrations. Bol.com Bol.com Play Book Graphic design, desktop publishing, retouching, Bol.com, the largest online retailer in the Benelux, has revolutionized the way people shop for a diverse range of products. With its extensive selection, user-friendly interface, and exceptional customer service, Bol.com has become a household name in the Dutch e-commerce industry. One of Bol.com's key strengths lies in its unparalleled convenience and vast product assortment. Whether you're looking for books, electronics, home appliances, fashion, or even groceries, Bol.com has it all. With a few clicks, customers can explore an extensive catalog containing millions of items, ensuring that they can find exactly what they need. The Bol play book was brought to life to bring children the ultimate gift experience leading up to Sint-Niklaas. In a time where online shopping has become the norm, a paper book might come as a surprise. This was done after great consideration, since the book is aimed at a younger audience. The playbook combines offline and online design — like QR codes to scan products — which allows for a seamless transition from paper to their website, especially since prices vary from day to day and younger children might not understand the concept of pricing. Children can cut out any article they see and make their own personal collection for Sint-Niklaas or Christmas. The addition of the poster makes this a fun and interactive way to make a wishlist and is more than just a catalogue to browse through. My main tasks while working on the Speelgoedboek editions 2020 and 2021 were layout/editiorial design, collaborate and coordinate with others to ensure a coherent design, assisting with art direction by checking the pages and adhering to the brand guidelines, retouching of articles and photographs, and adding/tweaking illustrations. Getting excited? No matter what kind of project you have in mind, I'm confident we can turn it into something that you'll be proud of and fits all your needs. So, let's go on this design journey and create something amazing and fun! Get in touch to see what I can do for you! → NEXT PROJECT BACK TO ALL PROJECTS
- Uncomfortable Art Biennale Amsterdam - corporate Identity | Melsiefera Studio
NDSM Werf Uncomfortable Art Biennale Amsterdam - corporate Identity Graphic design, web design, identity design, visual design Our relationship with discomfort as humans is influenced by many factors. Our culture and upbringing, our personal history, our health and our personality all contribute to the way and how often we feel discomfort. Being uncomfortable is not inherently bad, as it has helped us survive through the ages. Despite that, it’s a feeling people would rather not experience at all. The Uncomfortable Art Biennale Amsterdam (UABA) is an exposition that embraces discomfort and gives artists who explore this topic a platform to share their work, put on display in the NDSM Loods, a well known cultural centre in Amsterdam where many creatives come together. The themes of the exposition are often taboo and rarely spoken about topics like the female body, sex, social anxiety, climate impact, artificial intelligence, impactful historical events and more . The exposition’s aim is to make these topics less taboo, allow for a safe space for people to think and talk about uncomfortable topics, and to ensure discomfort will never be censored and forgotten, for it is a valuable aspect of human survival. Being uncomfortable is a dynamic and subjective feeling. The corporate identity needed to reflect this in its design as well. The logo is dynamic by changing the tracking and kerning. Kerning and tracking – when spaced far or very close apart – is sometimes perceived as uncomfortable. Thanks to its dynamic range, the logo is therefore applicable on practically anything. The UABA uses visuals from the exposition for their promotional material to strengthen the impact of their message. Tickets are sold on their website and at the door. Getting excited? No matter what kind of project you have in mind, I'm confident we can turn it into something that you'll be proud of and fits all your needs. So, let's go on this design journey and create something amazing and fun! Get in touch to see what I can do for you! → NEXT PROJECT BACK TO ALL PROJECTS
Blog Posts (3)
- Find your spark with the June 2024 monthly creative inspiration!
We meet again! Hello my lovely subscriber! I hope you haven’t forgotten about me yet… 😅 Unfortunately I didn’t manage to send out a newsletter for the last three months, but I’m finally here with the June edition! I wish I could say the reason for not posting is because I’ve been too busy to post any updates, but the truth is that I’ve just been too burnt out. I’ve worked so hard on the launch of my online store, portfolio and filling in job applications, that I just couldn’t really find a lot of inspiration to get me back into the creative mood. Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom. This month I’ve dedicated so much time and effort to get back into doing what I love, which is making drawings and products that brings out the playful side in us! So, without further ado… ...Let's get into the creative inspiration for this month! Spark your creative inspiration with these posts! 💡✨ These are some of the treasures I came across while looking for inspiration on the web. Click on the image to see the original post! Typeface of the month This wonderful font called Yellow House by Ef Studio combines the retro vibe perfectly with a modern and elegant touch. Perfect for a really playful brand that doesn’t want to go all retro! 🌼🌺 Ready for a sunny (side up) summer? I’ve just released my new sunny side up egg sticker! I’m really proud of the way it turned out. Stick him on your notebook, laptop, smartphone or any indoor surface. Don’t hesitate to get this sticker if you want to brighten your day with this sunny egg! Feeling inspired yet? I'd love to see what wonderfully creative things you come up with! Share your ideas and creations with me on Instagram and Pinterest! That's it for now, thank you so much and stay tuned for July's inspiration!
- February 2024 inspiration
Spring is almost here, baby! Here we are again! We’re already on the second edition of the monthly inspiration newsletter. Even though February is the shortest month of the year, the fact that it’s the last stretch before we welcome the spring season always makes it feel so long to me. I hope the upcoming month will be sunnier for you, too. Unfortunately, due to a very unexpected loss close to me, I have spent little time being creative this month. Instead, I focused on grieving and recharging; I’m going to pour all of that recharged creative energy into March. For now, I hope this batch of inspiration recharges you too and motivates you to do some creative things! Now, let's get into the creative inspiration for this month! Posts to inspire some ideas 💡✨ These month’s online treasures are a small selection of the things that inspired me. Click on the image to see the original post! Typeface of the month This font by Garisman Std reminds me of the beautiful handwritten displays at local markets, at that one particular food stall you can smell from the other side of the street. 🐟 🧀 Creative things I tried in February: One thing that helped me tremendously this month is the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This book is incredibly insightful and helps you figure out creative blocks that you come across in life and encourages you to make more time for your inner artist. The guide is 12 weeks and is based on two core principals: The Morning Pages and The Artist Date. I highly recommend this book to anyone! Feeling inspired yet? I'd love to see what wonderfully creative things you come up with! Share your ideas and creations with me on Instagram and Pinterest! That's it for now, thank you so much and stay tuned for March's inspiration!
- January 2024 inspiration
Let's start this year creative! Welcome to the first edition of Melsie's monthly inspiration. It's great to be here! Most of us have a big new year's resolution for the new year, and I'm no exception. In 2024 I want to really invest in working on my creativity, hence why you're getting this newsletter! This is my way of sharing some of my creative inspirations with you. I hope this will bring you some joy and inspire you to go do something creative too! The year has been slow for me so far, since I've spent all my time and energy in December to launch my online store. If you haven't yet seen the new products available, please consider checking them out. I would greatly appreciate it! Now, let's get into the creative inspiration for this month! Posts to inspire some ideas 💡✨ These are some of the treasures I came across while looking for inspiration on the web. Click on the image to see the original post! Typeface of the month This font made by Jetsmax Studio has a nice futuristic and modern touch. Perfect for an astronaut in need of some personal branding! 👩🚀 🚀 Creative things I tried in January: I've been contemplating to get into knitting for a while. I came across this book at the local craft store, and decided to take the plunge. It's a very comprehensive guide for beginners with easy to understand steps. They also have video tutorials available for free when you purchase the book. I can't wait to knit something nice! Feeling inspired yet? I'd love to see what wonderfully creative things you come up with! Share your ideas and creations with me on Instagram and Pinterest! That's it for now, thank you so much and stay tuned for February's treasures!